Thursday, February 8, 2018

A sign

Photo by Bruce Hallman/USFWS
I was listening to the Catholic Channel on SiriusXM yesterday, and heard one of the callers share a story about asking for a sign and receiving one. Apparently it stuck with me, as before I fell asleep last night, I asked for my own sign: seeing a cardinal today.

I asked for a cardinal in part because of the lore of cardinals and deceased love ones and in part because I had a longish drive in a rural area for an appointment today. I thought I'd tilt the odds in my favor.

As I drove to the appointment today, I started thinking about how silly I was to be looking for a sign considering that I wasn't in distress ... mostly just impatient to progress in my spiritual growth (next week will be five months since I began my Centering Prayer practice in earnest).

So as I neared town after my appointment, I thought to myself "well, so much for seeing the cardinal today" and not 30 seconds later, a cardinal flew across the road in front of my car. Well then.

Thank you.

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