Sunday, April 22, 2018

3x3 Journal Exercise

A cool idea from Catholic Mindfulness doc Gregory Bottaro: "Every morning 3 things you are grateful for from yesterday, 3 things that went well yesterday (What Went Well), and 3 goals you will accomplish today."
3x3 journal example

Friday, April 20, 2018

Only adaptive responses

From an interview with Stephen Porges, the father of the polyvagal theory and its implications for trauma:
That is the other point I always make: there is no such thing as a bad response. There are only adaptive responses. The primary point is that our nervous system is trying to do the right thing and we need to respect what it has done. And when we respect its responses, then we move from this more evaluative state and we become more respectful, and we functionally do a lot of self-healing.

Friday, April 6, 2018