Monday, January 1, 2018

Rohr on trust

Some thoughts from Richard Rohr. First, on fear, grace, and trust:
Ask yourself regularly, “What am I afraid of? Does it matter? Will it matter at the end or in the great scheme of things? Is it worth holding on to?” Grace will lead you into such fears and emptiness, and grace alone can fill them up, if we are willing to stay in the void. ... To stay in God’s hands, to trust, means that we usually have to let go of our attachments to feelings—which are going to pass away anyway (which is the irony of it all). 
On trust and surrender (emphasis mine):
Surrender, yielding, trusting, and giving are never going to appeal to the ego. We have to be taught this deeper wisdom soon or civilization will continue its rapid downward spiral. The key, of course, is to Whom we are surrendering: a Trinitarian God. The life of faith is learning how to rest in an Ultimate Love and how to draw upon an Infinite Source. On a very practical level, you will then be able to trust that you are being held and guided. In fact, you can trust after a while that almost everything is a kind of guidance. ... [What] I am saying that what first comes to your heart and soul must be a yes instead of a no, trust instead of resistance.
Finally, a homily: Trust is a Rock You Can Build Upon (start ~7:30).

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